Skip Navigation Links   Logos and images subject to owner ©2025 : Charity reg, 1149523 : Legal entity, Social Enterprise, reg: 06796387 : CPD (training) accreditation, reg: 22737

Professional reports, courses and independent assessments for disabled, disadvantaged parents

Supporting disabled and language or learning difficulties parents involved in social care and Family Court disputes

Every week, 1,650 babies and young children can be unjustly, removed from their parents, because of trivial incidents, false accusations and fabricated evidence, misleading Family Courts

Some Local Authorities rarely, if ever, remove children from their natural family because:

They can arrange Kinship Care and provide appropriate support services within their local community
IR for example, was, until recently, the third safest country in world
Some northern regions of the UK claim equally low crime and abuse rates per ca pita
Domestic abuse incidents are just 0.46% under the safest Local Authorities
Their policing ratios approximate to just 1 Officer to 100,000+ residents

Welcome to the achievable objectives and realistic aims of Parenting Together (aka Parenting Cooperatives)

Leading cause of death for UK children

Ensuring justice for disadvantaged families in social care and Family Court proceedings

Judges are often deceived, misled and persuaded to place children needlessly into local authority care
Parents and their children are reported to be racist far-right thugs, slags and chavs who will harm each other and their children
In truth, MPs, Councillors, local officials, professionals and at least one PM have shares and financial interests with international adoption agencies, foster carers and children’s care homes

The leading cause of Domestic Abuse, crime, mental illness, addiction, poverty and suicide for disadvantaged children.
Charity reg: 1149523

Serving disadvantaged families having family legal and Social Care problems

We provide essential legal support services, community education and, CPD Accredited training courses for limited resources and disabled parents with young children at risk from Social Services and Family Court proceedings ref: UNCRC, Article 12 children's Rights

Vote for Parenting Together Charity

Please vote for Parenting Together


 Parenting Together, Provider reg: 22737

Our mission to raise standards of social care and support for disadvantaged parents with young children

Enable the most positive outcomes for marginalised families with young children
Raise the standards of social care to improve the happiness, safety and wellbeing of disadvantaged children
Prevent, and resolve young people's behaviour and emotional problems
Strengthen and stabilise family relationships
Parenting course to prevent children being mistreated or unlawfully removed
Loving stable relationships with our DV and safeguarding course
Appeal against misinformed Court decisions

Returning children to their natural family

A complete support package for disadvantaged families in Social Care and Family Law proceedings

Fatherless children are multiple times more likely to become victims and perpetrators of domestic violence and assault


When parents reach out to Social Services for help

We achieve results favourable to children


95% of grooming victims were already in Social services foster Care

Parenting cooperatives


Subscriptions and donations for learning difficulties or disabled

Please select the option for Gift Aid

Subscriptions and donations for homeless parents and families below the poverty line





Parenting Together Charity reg: 1149523 is constituted as a Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise, Organisation (NPO), UK reg: 06796387

We value our independence and integrity, allowing us to work without any Conflict of Interest
We do not receive any financial support from Local Authorities, the Government or our recommended Solicitors
We are supported and financed only by corporate pro-bono, public donations and charitable Trusts
For your protection and ours, you will need an (SRA) Authorised Solicitor to access our services