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 Safeguarding your children within a Parenting cooperative Families in the safest happiest regions do this to keep everyone safe 

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There is a crisis of faith in Local Authorities of dangerous regions with high rates of unresolved abuse, deprivation and crimes A parenting cooperative only works as an exclusive private phone network of trusted parents in the same neighbourhood. Parents sharing any incidents or concerns with other parents they know and trust. Proven effective against grooming gangs, parents who exchanged phone numbers and contacted each other, significantly reduced bullying, violence and serious offences against children Thursday evenings 6pm to 8pm, coop delegates and parents can join Experienced community workers and professionals, in a conference meeting to discuss general problems in your district, no names and nothing personal. Contact to consult a professional


Region, All UK : Phone, 0777 3722 767 : Last updated,  27, Feb, 25

 Honeypot families is an anti-bullying project safeguarding vulnerable adults from exploitation and intimidation  

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The potential to exploit, bully and commit crimes against vulnerable families, is in proportion to the potential of exposing perpetrators to Justice Login to record your personal diary of events, updating as and when you or someone you care about seems vulnerable. You can then save timestamped proof in your diary and have it emailed back to you when needed Honeypot families began 1995 as an award-winning longitudinal study of crime against young adults and children. We want to share our knowledge and resources that enabled volunteers and non-profit organisations to support disadvantaged families at risk of exploitation and abuse By Parenting Together, people in other regions, often earning lower average incomes enjoy higher standards of living, education, health and quality of life


Region, All UK : Phone, 01677 450 319 : Last updated,  09, Mar, 25

 Parenting Cooperatives are safeguarding children  

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Community education project on the best safeguarding strategy used by parents in the safest regions Our mission to raise standards of social care and support for disadvantaged children Enable the most positive outcomes for marginalised families with young children Raise the standards of social care to improve the happiness, safety and wellbeing of disadvantaged children Prevent, and resolve young people's behaviour and emotional problems Strengthen and stabilise family relationships


Region, All UK : Phone, 01677 455 192 : Last updated,  09, Mar, 25

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